I've been chosen!

I have some exciting news.  I've been chosen as a contestant in the Fabric Mart Fabricista Fashion Challenge!  I will be competing against 5 other talented seamstresses in an elimination style competition, a la Project Runway.  Except we'll get a week to complete our creations instead of the 1 or 2 days the PR designers get per challenge.  So that means I'm going to have to make it work!

The first challenge will be announced a week from today on Friday, Sept. 9.  You can follow along with us each week and even participate for prizes.  All the details of the contest and how you can participate can be found in the challenge announcement blog post.

I'm looking forward to this challenge and, I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous about it too.  But it'll be really good to get pushed out of my comfort zone.

Stay tuned!


  1. Congratulations too on being picked for the challenge. I'm competing too, and I'm excited to get going! I'm totally nervous too which I keep thinking feels silly--I get to sew with beautiful fabric along with a crew of other talented ladies like yourself...it should be super fun! Good luck. I can't wait to see what everyone makes!

    1. Thanks! Congratulations and good luck to you too! I think it's natural for us to be nervous, since we really don't know what's in store. But yeah, it should be fun.

  2. Congratulations Jennifer on being chosen as a contestant in this year's challenge. I wish you well and am so excited to follow the contest for the first time. This sounds like so much fun. Enjoy the journey!


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